Monday, October 11, 2010

Enviromental Portraits: Let's Go Surfing!

Angela Antigua, 20, has been surfing for a good majority of her life. Originally from Miami Beach, Florida, Angela has always been around the water – so surfing was an amazing hobby to have. With her surfing, she has been able to travel around the world, experiencing waves in three different continents. So over the weekend, I decided to follow her as she goes about her day-to-day in the surf. Although she is my cousin, she was a bit uncomfortable with me shooting her, so the spontaneous shots worked out the best.

A spontaneous shot of Angela in front of her collection of surfboards she purchased herself at her beach house in Vilano Beach, Florida. Varying in sizes, shapes, brands, she has a board for any type of surf. 

Comparing the sizes of the boards that Angela has, with her as a example. She's 5'3".

Doing what she does best: surfing. Pictured in Jacksonville Beach, the surf was an absolute mess. So Angela tries her best to ride the mini waves that the Jacksonville had to offer. 

A personal quote from Angela herself best describes why she enjoys surfing so much: "I like to surf because it puts my mind at peace and it feels good to be one with the ocean and nature. Because of all the different kinds of variables and conditions it presents, the ocean has taught me a lot about myself and life in general. It frees me of my troubles and stress. Surfing is the best medicine."


1 comment:

  1. I love the surfboard pics - she will cherish those forever! great job!
