Tuesday, September 28, 2010

People of the Streets

For assignment five, we had to take to the streets to find interesting people

A young couple from St. Augustine with their sleeping baby. The frustrated girl scrambled through her purse to find a lighter for her cigarette. 

Another sleeping individual on St. George Street on a rainy day in St. Augustine. The homeless man surely can strike a pose while he slept. 

Young Virginia, 3, from North Carolina was not afraid to pose for the camera. 

After her little "photoshoot" with us, Virginia, 3, runs after her father, Jim, 37, pushing little brother Jack, 9 months, and walking with older sister Caroline, 5. All enjoying the sights of downtown St. Augustine. 

Even though she is not technically on the street, I saw this woman through the window of the Greek and Polish restaurant on Charlotte Street. An attempt at an interesting shot.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Self Potrait!

Me in the backroads of St. Augustine.

Me experimenting with slades in my room.